Appendix B - Areas for Priority Regeneration, Improvement and Protection


These areas are designated as priority regeneration areas because of the intensity of social, economic and physical problems affecting local communities within them. The Council will determine the appropriate treatment for each Priority Regeneration Area in accordance with the Themes of the Plan.

AREA: The Manchester Ship Canal Corridor

The Canal Corridor is one of the key strategic locations for economic activity within the North West region, and the Council is working with a variety of partners to secure its regeneration in a sustainable manner. Measures include reclaiming and redeveloping derelict and under-used land, maximising employment opportunities accessible to local communities, environmental improvements, access improvements for rail, bus, Metrolink, walking and cycling, protecting industrial heritage, promoting education, recreation, tourism and leisure, and maintaining the Canal as a commercial waterway and gateway to the regional centre.

AREA: Sale West (including Sidmouth Road area)

In collaboration with a variety of partners, the Council is working with the local community to secure effective neighbourhood regeneration in Sale West to tackle the problems of social exclusion and poor environmental quality. Measures include improvements to the housing stock and residential environments, enhanced community facilities and effective neighbourhood management, refurbished shopping facilities and the development of better public transport links in an area where lack of adequate links has compounded the problem of poor economic activity.

AREA: Sale Moor ( Beech Farm/Gratrix Lane)

The Council is working with the local community to secure enhanced access to community facilities and effective neighbourhood management.

AREA: Lostock

The Council is working with the local community to secure enhanced access to community facilities and effective neighbourhood management.

AREA: Timperley (Broomwood)

In collaboration with a variety of partners, the Council is working with the local community to secure neighbourhood regeneration on the Broomwood estate, Timperley that will benefit all local residents. Measures involve improvements to the housing stock, including better security, enhanced play provision, upgraded shopping facilities and re-use of vacant/derelict sites.

AREA: Altrincham Town Centre

The Council is working with partners to secure redevelopment of the eastern side of the Town Centre, new highway links and access improvements, that will further consolidate Altrincham’s position as the Borough’s largest Town Centre, and enhance its vitality and viability for years to come. Proposed uses include a major food store, leisure and entertainment facilities, car parking, a modern letter distribution centre and new homes. On the western side of the Town Centre, the Council is working with town centre interests to secure the regeneration of the historic market quarter to provide high quality development based upon the historic themes of Altrincham and its charter market.

AREA: Sale Town Centre

The Council is working with partners to secure the redevelopment of the Town Hall complex and other central sites in Sale Town Centre, to provide new civic and community facilities, high quality car parking and canal-side housing, together with the development of prestigious new shopping facilities. The Council is also seeking to develop an integrated transportation strategy for the Town Centre as a whole.

AREA: Stretford Town Centre

The Council’s vision for Stretford Town Centre is of a centre enjoying an enhanced environment, and one that is commercially vibrant, successful and safe for all the community. In partnership with landowners, businesses and others, the Council will explore opportunities for regeneration by the diversification of uses including community facilities, leisure, housing and commercial activities.

AREA: Urmston Town Centre

The Council’s principal aims in Urmston Town Centre are to enhance the role of this key shopping centre by the effective management and improvement of the Moorfield Precinct, and by the effective promotion of the opportunities which the Town Centre offers for shopping, business and leisure activities.


AREA: The A56 Corridor

For many years the A56 corridor throughout the Borough has been degraded by high levels of through-traffic and the physical deterioration of frontages, as small shops have ceased trading and units have not found viable new uses. The Council intends to work with developers, landowners and others to bring back into effective use vacant and under-used properties along this major arterial route, and where new development is proposed in the A56 Corridor the Council will aim to secure good quality design and environmental enhancement.

AREA: The Broadheath Industrial Area

The Council’s objective in the Broadheath industrial area is to consolidate the progress which has already been made in reversing long-term decline in the older part of this established industrial area, by further re-development, highway and access improvements. Opportunities will be taken to further encourage employment-generating uses and secure additional environmental improvements.

AREA: Woodsend Circle in Flixton

The Council will continue to support and encourage the regeneration of Woodsend Circle and improvements to the surrounding area including the exploitation of its waterside location.

AREA: Bowdon Vale in Bowdon

The Council will encourage further economic, social and environmental initiatives in support of the wellbeing of the local community.


The areas not designated as Priority Regeneration Areas or as Areas for Improvement are not subject to undue development pressures. The Council, therefore, intends to maintain them broadly in their present role.

Where necessary the Council will take action (such as the preparation of more detailed development control policies or the securing of additional planning controls) to ensure that the necessary degree of protection is maintained.