Core Strategy

The Core Strategy sets out the Council’s spatial policy framework for delivering the development and change needed to realise the Council’s vision for the Borough up to 2026. It includes policies relating to economic, social and environmental issues and how these will shape the future of Trafford.

It is the most important Local Plan document to be produced as it provides the strategic framework for subsequent Development Plan Documents (DPD) such as the GM Joint Waste Plan, the GM Joint Minerals Plan, any associated Supplementary Planning Documents.

The Core Strategy was formally adopted at Full Council on 25 January 2012 and can be viewed alongside all the associated documentation below:

The Trafford Core Strategy (Adopted January 2012)

Inspector’s Report on the Examination into Trafford Core Strategy Development Plan Document

The Adoption Statement

The Sustainability Appraisal Report

The Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement

Implications for the Development Plan for Trafford

The Core Strategy is the principal document within the Trafford Local Plan and sets the vision, spatial strategy and policies for development in the Borough up to 2026.

It is therefore important to note that the Core Strategy partly replaces, and in some cases entirely replaces, content within the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan (UDP), (as saved by the Secretary of State in 2007 and 2008). Amendments have also been made to the Proposals Map as a result of the adoption of the Core Strategy and these are set out in Appendices 1 and 4 of the adopted Core Strategy.

It is now necessary to read the Adopted Core Strategy, the GM Joint Waste Plan, the GM Joint Minerals Plan and the Revised Trafford UDP in conjunction with one another. Appendix 5 of the Core Strategy provides a schedule detailing those UDP policies replaced or partly replaced by the Core Strategy.

Preparation of the Core Strategy

Find out about previous consultations on the Core Strategy.

The Examination of the Core Strategy was carried out by an independent Planning Inspector. The Core Strategy Examination closed on the 30 September 2011 with the delivery of the Inspectors Final Report on 28 November 2011. The Inspector concluded that, with the proposed changes recommended within her Report, the Core Strategy satisfies Section 20(5) of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and meets the requirements for Soundness in Planning Policy Statement 12.

Trafford's Core Strategy was prepared using the most up to date information available, including recently commissioned research. A full list of these documents can be found in the Core Strategy: Public Examination Documents List.

Following the Council decision to adopt the Core Strategy there was a 6 week period of legal challenge. Challenge was only possible on the ground(s) that:

  • the document is not within the appropriate power; and/or
  • a procedural requirement has not be complied with.

No such applications were made.