Governor Training

As a Governor you should consider what are your individual training needs, and what are the needs of your governing body as a whole.

  • Are there sessions that are of particular interest to you and your continuing development?
  • Are there sessions which would be beneficial if someone from your governing body attended?

While all Governors are welcome at any training session, take some time at your governing body to discuss your collective training needs. Plan the best use of your time and share the useful information you have gained.

This way you will be in the best position to be able to support your school effectively.

New Governors

Talk to the Head, Chair about being introduced to the school and how it works, look through:

  • The Governors' Handbook.
  • Trafford Governor Services Termly Newsletters.
  • Ofsted Report, Prospectus, School Development Plan, School Policies.

For details of the training available to Governors go to