Empty Homes Strategy 2019-2024

The new Empty Homes Strategy (2019-2024) has been produced to identify key priorities and actions to be delivered by the Council and other stakeholders over the next five years to bring empty homes back into use across Trafford Council area.

The Strategy identifies measures to deliver the Council’s Corporate Objectives of “Building Quality Affordable and Social Housing” Health and Wellbeing “ and “Targeted Support”. and complements the Trafford Housing Strategy 2018-2023.

The vision for the Empty Homes Strategy 2019-2024 is:

“Work together to bring Trafford’s long term empty properties back into use to increase the supply of quality, affordable homes for our residents”

The strategic priorities are:

  1. Work with owners of long term empty properties to bring them back into use.
  2. Improve our neighbourhoods by addressing long term empty homes have become the focus of anti-social behaviour and neglect.
  3.  Provide advice information to help raise awareness around long term empty properties.
  4. Develop effective partnerships with key stakeholders to address long term empty properties.

Download the Empty Homes Strategy, Action Plan and Consultation Feedback Report.

View the Trafford Empty Homes Strategy - Plan on a page

If you have any queries please contact housing.strategy@trafford.gov.uk