Retail Discount Application Form

  • Non-domestic rates Retail Discount application
    To apply for retail discount, complete the form below. Once your application is received, we will write to you to confirm the exact amount of relief we are awarding.
  • PART 1: Your details
  • Your name
  • Business address
  • PART 2: State Aid De Minimis declaration
    Awards such as Retail Discount are required to comply with the EU law on State Aid. In this case, this involves the submission of this application form to this authority if you have received any other De Minimis Stated Aid, including any other Retail Discount you are being granted for premises other than the one to which you are now applying for, and confirming that the award of Retail Discount does not exceed the €200,000 an undertaking can receive under the de minimis Regulations EC 1407/2013. To establish whether you are eligible to receive De Minimis aid you must declare the full amount of De Minimis aid which you have already been granted during the previous two financial years and the current financial year. Any assistance you may have received from a public body might be a De Minimis aid. This could be from central, regional, devolved governments or agencies or a local authority.
  • Select on declaration
  • PART 3: Declaration
  • Declaration