Retail relief application form

  • PART 1: State Aid De Minimis Declaration
    You are being considered for assistance under the De Minimis Regulation (Regulation 1407/2013). Specifically, you are being considered for a non-domestic rate discount due to the retail nature of your business. The De Minimis Regulation allows an enterprise to recieve up to €200,000 De Minimis aid over any period of three fiscal years (as set out in EC Regulation 1407/2013 as published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 24 December 2013).To establish whether you are eligible to receive De Minimis aid you must declare the full amount of De Minimis aid which you have already been granted during the previous two fiscal years and the current fiscal year. Any assistance you may have received from a public body might be a De Minimis aid. This could be from central, regional, devolved governments or agencies or a local authority.
  • Please tick one declaration
  • PART 2: Business Details
  • Your Name
  • Property Address (the property for which you are applying for relief)
  • Declaration