Food Hygiene Training

Training and support for local businesses

It is a legal requirement for the operator of a food business to ensure that all food handlers engaged in the food business are supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters appropriate with their work activities.

The appropriate level of knowledge required to meet the legal requirements will vary depending upon what level of work activity is carried out by the food handler and should be in fitting with the level of knowledge and competence required to perform the activity safely.

Examples of the Training Required for Different Types of Job:

Food hygiene training
 Who? When? What training?

All food handlers

Before starting work for the first time

Introductory Training including:

personal hygiene;

  • how to carry out their duties hygienically
  • what to do if they have an illness such as a stomach upset

New employees should work under close supervision until they have received more detailed training.

Staff who handle wrapped/pre-packed or "low risk- food only

Within 4 weeks of starting a job (8 weeks for part-time staff)

Hygiene Awareness Instruction, this should include:

  • the importance of food hygiene, cleanliness, etc.
  • the causes of food poisoning;
  • personal hygiene, reporting illness, etc.
  • food storage, temperature control and stock rotation;
  • foreign body contamination;
  • awareness of pests (rats, mice and insects)

Food handlers who prepare or serve high risk open-food, e.g. cook, baker, shop assistant handling cooked meats or serving unwrapped cream cakes, person working in a cafe or takeaway.

Within 4 weeks of starting a job

Hygiene Awareness Instruction, this should include:

  • the importance of food hygiene, cleanliness, etc.
  • the causes of food poisoning;
  • personal hygiene, reporting illness, etc.
  • food storage, temperature control and stock rotation;
  • foreign body contamination;
  • awareness of pests (rats, mice and insects)

Within 3 months

Level 2 Award in Food Safety (or equivalent) Duration approximately 6 hours.

Managers and Supervisors

Within 3 months

Level 2 Award in Food Safety (or equivalent). Duration approximately 6 hours. In larger businesses more detailed training to Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety (18 to 24 hours) or Level 4 Award in Managing Food Safety (36 to 40 hours) may be required.

Training Providers

There are a large number of reputable training providers who offer training in the Greater Manchester area including:

Alternatively you can contact one of the principal awarding bodies for advice about a suitable course. The awarding bodies are:

On-line Training

There are also a large number on-line training providers who also provide specialised training, including: 

If you do undertake this kind of training check that they are accredited by one of the principal awarding bodies above

A Level 2 course would normally include all of the following content:

Food poisoning, simple microbiology, premises and equipment, common food hazards, personal hygiene, preventing food contamination, cleaning and disinfection, legal obligations, pest control, and effective temperature control of food e.g. storage, thawing, reheating and cooking

Refresher training for Food Hygiene

A half-day course strongly recommended for anyone who completed the Basic Food Hygiene Course more than 3 years ago. This is to ensure food handlers are kept up to date in the latest developments and good practices.  

Training in HACCP Principles

Those responsible for the development and maintenance of the food safety management procedures in any food business must also receive adeqaute training in the application of HACCP Principles.