Plan making in Trafford

All local authorities are required to produce a Local Plan with the aim of providing a more flexible planning system that adapts to changing priorities and which seeks to secure sustainable development.

The Local Plan sets out how we will plan the future of development in Trafford. It will guide new developments to appropriate locations, while protecting our natural environment and built heritage, and gives advice to developers on submitting planning applications.

The Local Plan is shaped by the National Planning Policy Framework - the top tier of planning policy. The Framework provides advice to local authorities and other agencies on planning policy and the operation of the planning system. It covers issues such as housing, green belts, economic growth, heritage, sustainable development, biodiversity, transport, minerals, open space, sport and recreation.

The Local Plan

This includes the Core Strategy, the Unitary Development Plan (UDP), The GM Joint Waste Plan, the GM Joint Minerals Plan, the Civic Quarter Area Action Plan and the Altrincham Town Centre Neighbourhood Business Plan. There are also other documents such as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD's) which provide planning guidance and support the Local Plan.

New Trafford Local Plan

Preparation of a new Trafford Local Plan is underway. Trafford Council published a public consultation on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan in early 2021. 

Places for Everyone Plan

A joint sub-regional plan dealing with cross boundary and strategic planning issues until 2037. Once adopted, Places for Everyone will form part of Trafford’s Development Plan.

Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood planning was introduced in the Localism Act 2011 and gives local people a major statutory say in helping to shape development in the areas in which they live.

Evidence base

Evidence base documents to support the Trafford Local Plan.

Area Masterplans and development briefs

Documents to guide development and provide clear advice to stakeholders wanting to develop in specific areas of the borough.

Area action plans

The Civic Quarter Area Action Plan was adopted on 25 January 2023. It now forms part of the statutory development plan.

Local Development Scheme

Sets out the Council's timetable for producing the Local Plan and which Local Plan documents we propose to use.

Statement of community involvement

This sets out how the Council involves people in the development of planning policies and applications.

National and Sub-Regional planning guidance

A set of planning guidance on the national and sub-regional level.