Chapter 18 - Miscellaneous Developments


18.1 The Sinderland Road development area represents one of the larger housing development opportunities within the Borough. It is located in an area of the Borough that is well served by established public transport links with ready access to employment, shopping and other service centres in the Altrincham and Sale areas. It presents the Borough and prospective developers with an opportunity to develop a sustainable urban housing community within an attractive environmental setting.

18.2 The area was allocated for development beyond mid 1996 in the adopted Trafford UDP. After lengthy discussion between the Council, the landowner and private house building companies, outline planning permission for the comprehensive development of the area was granted in July 2000.

General Justification for the Miscellaneous Developments Proposal

18.3 Proposal MD1 is included within the Plan to ensure that this significant development opportunity is put in place in a properly planned manner, making appropriate provision for access, open space, amenity, community service and other facilities.


Part II Proposal MD1 – The Sinderland Road Development Area

The Sinderland Development Area between Sinderland Brook and Sinderland Road, as identified on the Proposals Map, is allocated for new development consisting of the following key elements:

  • A site for local shopping facilities north of Sinderland Road (see Proposal S10);
  • New local open space, playing fields (see Proposal OSR8) and community facilities north of Sinderland Road;
  • New phased development of South Trafford College;
  • Land for residential development (see Proposal H3 – site HOU4);
  • New local open space south of Sinderland Brook (see Proposal OSR7).

The Sinderland Development Area shall be served by a new access road which will link Sinderland Road to Manchester Road (A56) approximately along the route indicated on the Proposals Map. The design of this road shall allow for the continued operation of the railway to Carrington. If the overall development is carried out in phases each individual phase shall provide for the completion at an appropriate stage of that development of any section of the new access road contained within or abutting that phase.


1. This substantial package of long standing development proposals is currently being brought forward for development by the various landowners. It has been the subject of an outline planning application, which the Council has conditionally approved.

2. In addition to helping meet the future housing development requirements of the Borough, the development of this area in the form proposed will bring benefits to the immediate locality. These benefits can be summarised as follows:

  • the provision of new retail and other community facilities and open space useable both by residents of the new development and the adjoining established housing areas;
  • the provision of a prestige, better accessed site for the South Trafford College;
  • the provision of a carefully designed and landscaped access to the planned and existing housing areas to the north and south of Sinderland Road;
  • improved accessibility of the Sinderland Road area, bringing better traffic management and safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists;
  • the potential created by the proposed new access road for the provision of better public transport access to the planned and existing housing areas to the north and south of Sinderland Road;
  • the potential for improving public transport and cycling provision on the A56 Manchester Road as part of the works required to construct the eastern section of the proposed new access road to the development site;
  • the potential environmental and amenity improvements for residents of Woodcote Road and De Quincey Road that would be achieved following the closure of the Woodcote Road access to the South Trafford College site.

3. As indicated in Proposal H3, the current proposal for the housing element of this proposed development (site HOU4) is looking to accommodate approximately 645 new dwellings on the site. As indicated in the Justification to Proposal H3, the Council will expect that the prospective developer(s) of the site prepare a comprehensive master development plan, illustrating the intended distribution of all the required uses. The retail and other community facilities should be located to serve the existing population as well as the occupiers of the new housing.

4. The promoters of the housing development have entered into a legal agreement with the Council to secure the construction of the access to the development site, make provision for an element of affordable housing within the development, provide the required amount of accompanying open space and make a contribution to the provision of the proposed new community facilities.

5. The Irlam-Altrincham railway line that passes through the development site will be re-opened as a part of the transport network improvements linked to the Trafford Interchange development proposal (Proposal T15). The Sinderland Area development scheme will need to take account of these proposed transport improvements, which may include the provision of a new passenger rail station on a site (as yet to be determined) on the line to the west of the A56 Manchester Road.