Childcare and early education


Info about childcare provision in Trafford

Search for childcare

Use the Trafford Directory to search for childcare providers in your local area including day nurseries, preschool playgroups, childminders, out of school clubs and holiday schemes.

Additional help finding childcare

For families having difficulty finding a childcare place to meet their needs. We can talk through your requirements and contact childcare providers for you.


Early Education places for 2 year old children

If you get certain benefits or your child has special educational needs you may be able to get up to 15 hours of early education per week for your 2 year old child.

Help with childcare costs

Find out about the full range of help available towards your childcare costs and work out which options are best for you.

Working Parent Entitlement From April 2024

Information about the upcoming expansion of early education for children aged 2 and under.

Early Education places for 3 and 4 year old children

All 3 and 4 year old children can receive up to 15 hours of early education per week. Working parents may get additional hours through the 30 hours childcare scheme.

Trafford day nurseries

Two day nurseries operated by us which offer high quality, affordable childcare for children from 3 months old in the Partington and Old Trafford areas.