Headcount Return form

Complete the Headcount Return form to request a headcount return.

The deadline for Spring is Friday 26 January.

It may be possible to return Headcount Return forms submitted with funding errors.

More information

Missed deadline

There is no opportunity to submit a headcount after the deadline date. Providers will be unable to make a funding claim for the term if the headcount is not returned by the cut-off date. 

Ammending errors while the original headcount is processed 

The original headcount cannot be processed while any errors are ammended. Completion of the Headcount Return Form 'rejects' the original submission meaning that no data has been submitted for the term and no funding claim exists. The full headcount must be re-submitted on the Portal.

Ammended headcount errors 

The errors on the headcount can not be ammended for you. For audit reasons, the Early Education Team are unable to amend any errors on headcount submissions. If there are any errors or discrepancies the headcount will be returned to the provider for them to make the changes and resubmit the full Headcount. 

The headcount form does not get re-submitted

The claim period closes at midnight on the deadline day and it is not possible to submit after this point. There are no other opportunities to submit a headcount and so no funding claim can be made for the term. Any advance payment already received will need to be returned. 

Returned headcounts 

Returned headcounts must be resubmitted by the termly deadline for headcount submissions before the claim period closes. Failure to return by the deadline will mean that a headcount cannot be submitted for the term.