Provider estimate

Completing the estimate form

To submit your estimate form you will need the following information for children who are funded on a term time only basis and children funded on an all year round basis:

  • The total number of funded children at your setting.
  • The total number of funded hours per week for 2 year olds.
  • The total number of funded hours per week for 2 year olds accessing the Working Parent Entitlement.
  • The total number of funded universal and extended hours per week for 3 and 4 year olds.


Where funding is paid as part of the advance payment and then not subsequently claimed for on the termly headcount, an invoice will be raised for any overpaid amount.

The first payment in each term is the advance payment which is calculated based on the information submitted on the provider estimate form. The payment is then made at the start of each term. 

Submission deadlines

The estimate form must be submitted by the deadline which is two weeks prior to the end of the previous term. The information on the form is based on the weekly funded hours that will be delivered during the term.

2023/24 academic year

Where forms are received by the estimate submission date, payment will be received on the advance payment date. 

Estimate Submission Dates Academic Year 2023/24
 TermEstimate submission date Advance payment date 
Autumn Sunday 20 August  Friday 1 September
Spring Sunday 10 December Friday 5 January
Summer Sunday 24 March Friday 5 April