Our young people need you!

Trafford Care Leavers Covenant is a promise made by private, public or voluntary organisations to provide support for our care leavers aged 16-25.

Those who sign up will be making a commitment to help our care leavers to live fully independent lives, while removing any barriers that may stop them from achieving their potential.

The covenant forms part of a wider Government agenda to improve life for care leavers. Young people leaving care often have to overcome huge challenges and still struggle more in life compared to young people who have not been in care. This is something the Council and its partners are now hoping to change.

By working alongside local businesses, charities and public sector partners, Trafford’s new covenant aims to improve the support already offered to our care leavers by ensuring they:

  • Are better prepared and supported to live independent lives
  • Experience stability in their lives and feel safe and secure
  • Have improved access to employment, education and training
  • Have access to health and emotional support
  • Can achieve financial stability
  • Find a place to live that meet their needs

We will be seeking as many commitments from public and private partners as possible. Once established, the covenant will be made available on the Council’s website, where it will be updated regularly.

To find out more about the covenant or to pledge your support, please contact Denis Owen on 0161 912 3506 or denis.owen@trafford.gov.uk