Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Partnership

We have adopted a multi-agency approach to protect and support people at risk from radicalisation. We aim to safeguard vulnerable children and adults from being drawn into terrorist-related activities and promote positive community cohesion.

Safeguarding children and adults and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity, is at the heart of what Prevent is. We work closely with a wide range of partners who make up the Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Partnership.

Prevent takes a preventative approach and uses a range of measures to challenge extremism including:

  • supporting people who are at risk of being drawn into terrorist or extremist activity through the Channel process
  • working with and supporting community groups and social enterprise projects who provide services and support to vulnerable people
  • working with faith groups and institutions to assist them in providing support and guidance to people who may be vulnerable
  • supporting local schools, local industry and partner agencies through engagement, advice and training

Visit the Trafford Strategic Safeguarding Partnership website for more information.