Temporary Markets Rights Licence: schedule of fees

Fees are subject to change at any time. Fees for trader are for each day the market is operating. If a market goes ahead without the appropriate licence the operator may be charged a standard fee after the event. All fees must be paid before a licence is issued and a market can go ahead.

2024 - 2025 fees

Type of market /operator Admin fee*  Fee per trader
Market (operated for profit) £55.20  £4.40
Market (operated by a not-for-profit)^ £55.20  £2.20
Car boot sales (operated for profit) £55.20  £1.70
Car boot sales (operated by a not-for-profit)^ £55.20  £1.10

* A larger admin fee of £105 will be charged where a licence is issued retrospectively. This is to account for additional administrative work, e.g. research, additional communications with organisers etc.

^Markets run by charities or not-for-profit organisations will only be charged a per trader fee for those stalls trading for profit, not for those traders raising funds for a charity or not-for-profit organisation. Applicants will need to evidence their charity/not-for-profit status.

Example calculation for a commercial market with 80 stalls operating over 2 days.

Example calculation for a commercial market with 80 stalls operating over 2 days.
Admin fee £55.20 
Licence fee for 80 stalls  £352.00
No. of days  2 days = £704.00
VAT n/a
Total (admin fee + licence fee) £759.20

Standard fee

The standard fee would equate to a larger admin fee of £105 (to account for the additional administration) and a licence fee of £800, for a total fee of £905.

The fee would be calculated as follows: fee per trader x number of stalls x number of days + admin fee £105.

Every effort will be made to establish the correct fee with the operator before an invoice for the standard fee is issued.


“Commercial” - Operated for profit for the benefit/gain of an individual, company, group or similar.

“Not for profit” - Operated by a constituted community group, registered charity or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), with profits reinvested in the group, charity or club.

“Standard fee” - This fee is charged in such circumstances when a market, car boot sale or similar goes ahead without a temporary market licence.