Trafford Council recommends development plan for approval

Trafford Council leaders have recommended that the Places for Everyone Plan, which lays out long term plans to allocate land for housing and employment in the borough and eight other Greater Manchester boroughs, be approved for consultation.

The Places for Everyone Joint Plan has been developed in collaboration with eight other Greater Manchester councils.

It paves the way for more brownfield development, hundreds of new affordable homes and new jobs in Trafford and across the city region.

The plan was approved for consultation by the Executive on Monday (26 July) and for submission at a full Trafford Council meeting on Wednesday (28 July). Other Council across GM are also seeking approval for the plans.

The Plan will now be subject to an 8-week public consultation from 9 August. The consultation will primarily take place online, where residents and businesses can view plans of the proposed development sites, and supporting information. Hard copies of the Plan will also be available at libraries across the borough.

Places for Everyone sets out how Trafford and eight other GM districts can build the right homes, in the right places, to enable residents to live in well-connected and environmentally sustainable villages and towns. The plan will help to address a long term lack of suitable housing and will be supported by appropriate transport and infrastructure proposals. Without a collective long term plan for the Greater Manchester region, there would be a real threat of unplanned development and increased risk to the Green Belt.

In Trafford, Places for Everyone identifies two strategic development sites at Timperley Wedge and New Carrington. At Timperley Wedge1,700 new homes are proposed up to 2037, with the potential for up to 2,500 in total, 45% of which will be affordable. The New Carrington site is proposed for 4,300 new homes up to 2037, with the potential for up for 5,000 in total, 15% of which will be affordable.

New employment spaces have also been identified, with 350,000sqm of industry and warehousing proposed at New Carrington and 60,000 sqm of office space at Timperley Wedge.

At the same time, significant areas of the natural environment will be maintained and enhanced at both allocations, including protecting Manor Farm playing fields as an important area of green space and creating a new rural park between development and Hale Barns at Timperley Wedge. A significant Green Belt corridor through the New Carrington site will be retained and enhanced as part of the proposed allocation, as along with significant areas of green space at Sale West.

Cllr Andrew Western, Leader of Trafford Council, said:

“This new plan ticks all our boxes as it reduces the amount of proposed development on green belt and, at the same time, meets our ambitions for economic growth.
The plan meets our priorities to build high quality homes which will contribute to meeting housing needs in Trafford. There will be a real focus on the delivery of affordable housing and help us deliver the jobs to meet our aspirations over the next 20 years. It will also hugely support growth, job creation, sustainability and leisure as we continue to make Trafford a great place to live and work.”

Cllr James Wright, Trafford’s Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration, added:

“This plan supports a number of the Council’s corporate priorities and will help Trafford thrive in the future by creating high quality affordable homes and massive employment opportunities.
We want Trafford to continue to be a dynamic, attractive place to invest and do business and the development provided for in the Places for Everyone plan will help us to achieve that.”

Posted on Monday 2nd August 2021