Relevant policies

The information given below is a brief summary of Trafford’s policies and procedures for the 2021 academic year and is correct at the time of writing but policies are constantly kept under review and there may well be further changes within the education system which affect these policy statements arising from national legislation. In cases of doubt please contact the School Admissions Team.

Children with special educational needs

The Education Act 1996 prescribes statutory processes for assessing children who may have special educational needs which necessitate special educational provision being made. All children whose Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan names the school must be admitted as required by paragraph 1.6 of the School Admissions Code.

If your child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHC Plan), their transfer to secondary school will be dealt with by Trafford’s EHC Assessment Team and you should contact the Team at if you have not received information from them.

If you think that your child may have special educational needs, please discuss the matter with the Head of the school. The Head may under take individual assessment and monitoring of your child’s progress and may request advice from other agencies. 

The Trafford SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) provides free, confidential, impartial advice and support to parent carers, children and young people aged 0 - 25 in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Further information on Trafford’s support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or who are disabled is available on the Trafford SEND Local Offer

Education other than at school

Elective home education

The Department for Education (DfE) use the term Elective Home Education (EHE) to describe when parents decide to provide education for their children and young people at home, instead of sending them to school.

Parents can elect to home educate at any stage up to the end of compulsory school age and are required to provide efficient full-time education.

Parents of pupils placed at a special school under arrangements made by the local authority, must obtain the consent from the LA to de- register the child from school.

Parents who choose to educate their children at home must be prepared to take on full financial responsibility, including the cost of any public examinations.

Further information on the Elective Home Education Service

Children who can’t attend school for health reasons

If your child is unable to attend school due to ongoing health reasons or whilst recovering from treatment or injury, the school should involve you in preparing an Individual healthcare plan (IHP). This will outline the support to be put in place by the school, and, if necessary, other agencies. If your child is still unable to access their education, the school can make a referral for education to be provided in the interim by the Medical Education Service

Hospital teaching service

If your child is admitted to hospital for a lengthy period, education will usually be provided by teachers employed at the hospital. The school should lead on an Individual Healthcare Plan which will identify what is to be put in place when your child leaves hospital.

Children with English as an additional language

Children with English as an additional language will be supported from their first day in school by class teachers and support staff. Expert advice is also available for schools and parents from the specialist (ESOL) Team based in Trafford.


The Authority does not assist with the purchase of school uniform.

Charging and remissions Policy

Particulars of the charging and remissions policy determined by the Trafford Authority under Section 457 of the Education Act, 1996, are available to parents on request at Trafford Town Hall and every school maintained by the Authority

Public examinations

Each Trafford secondary school determines its own policy for the entry of pupils for public examinations and individual schools should therefore be contacted for details.

Free school meals

Find out more about Free School Meals in Trafford

Next: Travel assistance