College commits to care leavers

Working closely with the Council, Trafford College has produced its own Care Leaver Covenant, as part of a commitment to support looked after children and care leavers.

The covenant is a support package that is available for all care leavers throughout their time at the college.  Its aim is to ensure that throughout their educational journey any barriers care leavers may face are removed, so that they are able to progress successfully and reach their full potential. 

The covenant includes:

  • Providing dedicated mentors who liaise with high schools and will offer support from pre- enrolment through to the completion of the care leavers’ time at college.
  • Priority for care leavers needing access to support, including counselling, plus careers and support services.
  • Covering course costs and supporting care leavers financially by paying for equipment, uniforms, sports kits, travel, college meals and college trips.
  • Opportunities for personal development, including free enrolment onto both the National Citizenship Programme and the Duke of Edinburgh Award – places are guaranteed.