Paying staff Real Living Wage is a boost for all says Trafford Council leader

Trafford Council leader Tom Ross believes there has never been a better time for businesses to pay their staff the Real Living Wage.

Speaking at a launch to celebrate the Council being accredited as a Real Living Wage employer, Cllr Ross urged businesses to follow their example.

He said:

“Paying people the Real Living Wage is great for a business. If you treat your staff well, your staff will pay you back with loyalty and productivity.

“It also great for the economy. When wages are higher, people have more money to spend in their local economy. That stimulates local growth and will be a real boost to our borough.”

Cllr Ross also highlighted the importance of improved pay during the cost-of-living crisis.

He said:

“There are people who are working hard but aren’t getting paid enough to get by. That shouldn’t be happening in today’s Britain. That’s why we will be working with contractors to move towards paying the Real Living Wage too.

“Our end goal is for all our contractors to be paying the Real Living Wage to their staff.”

People at the launch heard from a variety of companies explaining the process of being an accredited Real Living Wage employer, as well as the benefits to staff and the business.

Speakers at the event included Simon Borkin, Chair of Stretford Public Hall; Sophie Little, Programme Manager of the Living Wage Foundation; Ben Andrews, Managing Director of Beyond Empower; and Naomi Burl, Practice Manager of Planit-ie.

There was also a panel discussion, hosted by Cllr Ross, with Mo Baines, CEO of Association for Public Service Excellence; Kristen Drummond, Chief Marketing Officer, of Slater Heelis, Zoe Taylor, Communities Manager of L&Q (formerly Trafford Housing Trust); and Ian MacArthur, Director of Living Wage Foundation and Good Employment Charter. The Council became a Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter employer on Monday.

The Council is now beginning a three-year procurement plan to work with eligible contracted suppliers to support them to pay the Real Living Wage to their employees.

These contracts total £10M in value over the next three years and will further boost Trafford’s economy.

Posted on Tuesday 27th June 2023