Animal disease outbreaks

We have a statutory role in prevention and controlling the spread (biosecurity) of animal diseases such as Foot And Mouth Disease, Bluetongue, and Avian influenza (Bird Flu) during outbreaks. 

Register your birds and poultry

As part of our response to the avian flu epidemic, we are trying to gather as much information as we can in relation to smaller flocks of birds or birds kept as pets at domestic properties in the borough. 

We can share with you the most up to date information and actions required, helping you can keep your flocks and pets safe. 

Register your birds online

This information will be stored as part of our response and will only be used to update you with information should the need arise. If you have an queries contact

Animal health and welfare

A full range of detailed guidance covering the law on the welfare of livestock including transport and animal diseases can be found on the Business Companion website.

What to do if you find a dead animal on council land or the public highway.

Health and welfare of farmed animals

We employ trained Animal Welfare Officers who will undertake inspections of farms and small holdings to ensure:

  • the health and welfare of the animals
  • their traceability
  • any controls on their movements
  • to prevent the spread of disease

Investigation of complaints 

Officers will investigate complaints from members of the public concerned about the welfare of farmed animals, or animals in licensed premises such as pet shops, horse riding establishments etc.

Concerns about the health and welfare of domestic animals (pets) however should be referred to the RSPCA.