Trafford Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) 2023

The Trafford Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) 2023 provides the latest available evidence to help to shape the future housing and related strategies and policies of the area.

This study will complement the Greater Manchester (GM) Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) by providing detailed local information and support the development of the new local plan.

The HNA findings will also be used to inform resource allocation to deliver the existing Trafford Housing Strategy Action Plan 2018-23 and to evidence future planning and spending priorities of housing resources.

It considers the need for affordable housing and the size, type, and tenure of housing need for specific groups within the borough.

This research provides an up-to-date analysis of the social, economic, housing, and demographic characteristics of the area.

A summary of the key findings from the assessment are:

  • In 2023, there were 98,839 dwellings in Trafford with 2,851 not occupied.
  • 69% of the dwellings were owner-occupied, 15.7% affordable and 15.4% private rented/living rent free.
  • Average house prices in Trafford are considerably higher than other areas in GM at £350k compared to £205k in GM overall.
  • Population in Trafford is projected to increase by 6.2% up to 2039 with the 85+ age group increasing by 38.6%.
  • 1,122 new homes are required to be built each year up to 2039 with 858 of these new homes being affordable.
  • The recommended tenure split of affordable homes up to 2039 is 60% rented and 40% affordable home ownership.
  • It is estimated that 15.6% of Trafford residents have a disability as defined under the Equality Act.

You can download a copy of the report.

Housing propositions

A set of housing propositions will be developed for each area in Trafford linked to the Housing Need & Demand Assessment which was completed in 2023. 

The propositions will establish the appropriate number, level and type of new homes needed in each of Trafford’s places to rebalance the market and provide accurate information on the appropriate mix, type, and location for affordable housing.