Education Portal Access

The Education Portal is a secure online system for providers to administer early years funding. 

Access the portal.

Using the Education Portal

Providers must have access to this system to deliver funded places in schools, private and independent settings.The portal is used to check eligibility for the early years entitlements and make the termly funding claim. 
Access to the portal is managed by Trafford Early Years Service.

Education Portal security

For data security there is a 2 factor authentication process when an account is set up and for each subsequent log in. This means when providers log in they are sent a code by email which is entered into the log in page.

It is the providers responsibility to ensure that access to the system is in line with GDPR and information governance policies. They are also responsible for ensuring that all portal access has been agreed with the Ofsted Nominated Person / Director of the business. The provider must request that access is revoked if a member of staff no longer requires access to the portal or when they have left the setting. 

For security and audit purposes generic emails that multiple staff members have access to should not be used for portal access. 

Education Portal access form

An access form must be submitted for a new user to access the portal or where existing user access needs to be revoked. The information supplied on the access form will be verified with the signed Provider Agreement.

Access requests must be submitted by specific staff members:

Private Voluntary Independent (PVI) settings

Ofsted Nominated Person or Company Director who can be verified on Companies House.

School nurseries

Early Years Funding Contact or Head Teacher/Executive Head.

Complete the form.

Help and support

Guides are available to help you use the portal. There is a specific guide for account set up and log in.

If you require any further support completing the access form, getting set up or revoking access for an existing user contact The Early Education Team on