Age Friendly Trafford Survey

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The Age-Friendly Trafford Programme is working to improve the quality of life for older people that live in or visit Trafford.

This survey is designed to help Trafford Council understand the issues facing older people so please share your thoughts on how we can make Trafford a great place to live and grow older.

The information we gather through the survey will inform Trafford's Age-Friendly Plan, which will go on to form part of the Age-Friendly Plan for the whole of Greater Manchester.

You can either complete the full survey or, alternatively, you can choose the areas of the survey that most interest you by foollowing theses links:

Outdoor Spaces, Buildings and Transportation

Housing and Support & Community Services

Communication & Information and Respect & Social Inclusion

Social Participation and Participation & Employment

Thank you for taking the time to take part in our research.