Discretionary assistance for other children

In addition to the categories of eligible children described, we may provide discretionary travel assistance to the following categories.

Children attending a grammar school

We do not have a duty to provide free travel assistance to children attending grammar school where the grammar school is not the nearest qualifying school. However, we will provide travel assistance to a child attending the nearest grammar school for which they are eligible.

A child is not classed as eligible for a grammar school if they are not successful in the selection process for that school or where the child is unable to gain a place due to the lack of availability of places.

Children who attend a grammar school that is not the nearest grammar school for which they are eligible will not receive travel assistance unless they are from a low income family. Children from low income families who are registered at a grammar school will be eligible to receive travel assistance.

Primary age children attending a denominational school

There is no statutory duty to provide travel assistance to support primary school aged children to attend a denominational school. However, we will provide travel assistance to children from low incomes families who are registered at a denominational school which is between 2 and 15 miles from their home if parent/carer preference for that school is based on religion or beliefs and having regard to those beliefs there is no suitable qualifying school which is nearer home.

Children starting reception class

Compulsory school age starts on the 1 September, 1 January or 1 April after a child’s 5th birthday. However, most children start school in reception class in the September after their 4th birthday. Travel assistance applications will be accepted for these children if they meet the eligibility criteria for a child of compulsory school age.  

Pre-school children aged 2 to 4 years

Pre-school children may be eligible for travel assistance if:

  • they have an education, health and care (EHC) plan


  • they are undergoing an EHC needs assessment and are placed at a primary special school

To be considered eligible, there must be medical or social reasons why the child cannot attend the place without travel assistance. Professional evidence to support this will need to be provided to support the application, for example from a social worker or medical professional. If travel assistance is awarded for a pre-school aged child, you will be charged for this assistance.

The charge will be £170 per term, reduced to £85 per term for low income families who meet the criteria for free school meals.