Travel assistance provided by us

There is no automatic entitlement to free transport to school, college or a training provider once you are over 16. However, we consider what travel assistance and provision is necessary to help young people to access education and training. We consider the following:

  • The needs of young people who would not be reasonably able to attend a particular school or college to receive education or training if no arrangements were made.
  • The need to ensure that young people have reasonable opportunities to choose between different education and training providers.
  • The distance from the young person’s home and the journey time to education and training providers.
  • The cost of travel assistance to the education and training provider.
  • How much the young person would benefit from encouragement to travel as independently as possible.
  • Any alternative ways of helping young people attend the education or training provider.

For you to be eligible to apply to us for support you must live in Trafford and be attending a full-time course or training.

If you do not qualify for our travel assistance, you will need to make your own arrangements for travel to and from your education or training provider.

Eligible young people

Without an education, health and care (EHC) plan

In the first instance, you must apply to your school, college or training provider for bursary funding to assist with travel costs. For many young people, this is discretionary and schools, colleges and training providers may assist in different ways.

If a school, college or training provider refuses assistance and you can provide evidence of this, we will consider applications for assistance on the basis of financial hardship. To meet the requirements for this, your family must be in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits within the free school meals criteria. We use the national eligibility checking system to check if your family is eligible.

If we provide assistance on the basis of financial hardship, it will be free of charge.

With an education, health and care (EHC) plan

Your travel assistance requirements will be considered during the transition planning process undertaken in school years 10 and 11. In year 11, your education, health and care (EHC) plan will be reviewed before you transfer from school to college or training. This will be carried out by 31 March in the year of transfer.

We consider applications for travel assistance from young people age 16 to 19 with an education, health and care (EHC) plan – or up to age 25 if you are continuing on a course you started before your 19th birthday. It doesn’t matter if you attend mainstream or specialist provision.

To be considered eligible, there needs to be medical or social reasons supported by professional evidence stating why you need travel assistance to access education or training. This could include physical or mental conditions affecting your capacity for independent travel.

If you fall within this category, you will need to make an application to us for travel assistance.

If you are assessed as eligible for travel assistance, it will be free of charge.

Transport solutions

A variety of travel assistance solutions are available. These are some of the types of assistance that may be offered if you are eligible:

  • A personal transport budget may be offered if you have SEND. This means you can organise your own travel arrangements to college or training, giving you more flexibility and control. The amount paid will be calculated based on the distance between home and college. Payments are usually made directly into your bank account each term.
  • Independent travel training so that you are able to travel independently to and from college or training and other social activities.
  • Provision of transport commissioned by us for outward and return journeys between home and college or training.
  • Passenger assistants (PA) may be provided on transport we commission where this is necessary for the safe operation of vehicles and/or care of young people.
  • There may be a requirement to incorporate pick up/drop off points as part of the travel solution. If this is required, all relevant parties will first be consulted.