Previous Local Plan Consultations

Preparation of a new Trafford Local Plan is underway. Since Trafford Council’s Executive made the decision to prepare a new Local Plan for Trafford at the Executive meeting on the 25 June 2018, the following consultations have taken place:

Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan Consultation February 2021

In accordance with regulations, notice was given that Trafford Council is preparing a new Local Plan. Trafford Council invited consultees to make representations in regard to the draft Local Plan (Town and Country Planning (Local) Planning (England) Regulations 2012 – Regulation 18). Trafford Council’s Executive approved the draft Local Plan for consultation at the Executive meeting on 14 December 2020.

This consultation covered the draft Local Plan, the draft Integrated Assessment (IA) Report and the Local Plan Call for sites. Comments were invited on the draft Local Plan and draft IA Report as well as any site submissions from 4 February 2021 until 18 March 2021.  

Draft Local Plan

Trafford Council invited residents and businesses to have their say on an ambitious draft Trafford Local Plan to shape the future of Trafford up to 2037 and beyond. This February 2021 Regulation 18 consultation on the draft Trafford Local Plan is the next step in the next step in the process of developing a new Local Plan for Trafford. It is an opportunity for people who live and work in Trafford to have their say on the type of place Trafford will be in the future.

The draft Trafford Local Plan contains a draft vision for Trafford in 2037, draft strategic objectives for how this will be achieved and accompanying draft thematic polices. The draft Local Plan also identifies Areas of Focus for growth and development as well as establishing distinct places within Trafford.

Draft Trafford Local Plan in sections:

This Regulation 18 draft Trafford Local Plan (February 2021) has been published for consultation to ensure that progress can continue to be made on preparing a new Local Plan for Trafford.

References to the GMSF 2020 have been retained within the draft Trafford Local Plan to illustrate the strategic framework that a Great Manchester plan will set and to give an indication of the anticipated growth in Trafford within a Greater Manchester context. The draft Trafford Local Plan has been prepared in the context of the GMSF 2020 and therefore reflects its spatial strategy and strategic policy framework. The GMSF 2020 established a range of thematic policies as well as a number of strategic allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments.

Following the decision of Stockport Council in December 2020 to not approve the GMSF 2020 for Regulation 19 consultation or submission, the GMSF is no longer being progressed in its current form.

Please see our page on the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework for further information.

Integrated Assessment Report

Trafford Council consulted on the draft Integrated Assessment (IA) Report which accompanies the draft Local Plan. This assessment considered the potential social, economic and environmental effects of the plan. The IA identifies the type, nature and extent of these potential effects and how the draft Trafford Local Plan can address them.

Local Plan Call for Sites

The draft Trafford Local Plan makes site specific allocations for housing, employment and green spaces, similar to those in the Revised Trafford UDP. Each potential site considered for allocation is assessed in terms of its “fit” with the scope for the Local Plan and against sustainability and deliverability criteria. Consultees were asked if they wished to submit a site(s):

  • to be considered for allocation for development, protection or some other purpose within the Trafford Local Plan; or
  • to ensure that the Council has up to date information relating to allocations within the draft new Trafford Local Plan.

Regulation 18 Local Plan Consultation July 2018

In accordance with regulations, notice was given that Trafford Council is preparing a new Local Plan. Trafford Council invited consultees to make representations in regard to the scope and subject of the Local Plan (Town and Country Planning (Local) Planning (England) Regulations 2012– Regulation 18).

 This consultation covered the Local Plan Issues Paper, the draft Integrated Assessment (IA) Scoping Report and the Local Plan Call for sites. Comments were invited on the Issues Paper and draft IA Scoping Report as well as any site submissions from 23 July 2018 until 14 September 2018.

Local Plan Issues Paper

The Local Plan Issues Paper set out a number of key issues that the Local Plan is likely to consider and how it could address them. It asked for comments on whether the right issues have been considered or if there is any further evidence available to help produce the Local Plan. The topics covered included economic growth, inclusive growth and environmental sustainability.

Comments submitted on the Issues Paper have been considered, the Council's response is outlined in a consultation statement.

Integrated Assessment Scoping Report

The Draft IA Scoping Report identified the type, nature and extent of potential effects which need to be considered and proposed the scope for future assessment stages of an IA of the Local Plan. 

Comments submitted on the Draft IA Scoping Report have now been considered, the Council’s response outlined in a consultation statement and a final draft IA Scoping Report produced.

Local Plan Call for sites

The Local Plan will allocate sites that are suitable for future housing, employment and green spaces, similar to those in the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan (UDP). To help identify these we also asked for site submissions so they could be considered as potential development sites, sites to be protected or for other purposes, e.g. town centre boundaries or green networks.

The ‘call for sites’ invitation was a chance for everyone from developers, landowners, residents and other stakeholders to help shape the Local Plan. It allowed the Council to ensure that it has up-to-date information relating to potential development sites before it publishes the first consultation draft Local Plan. An assessment of each submission will consider how it “fits” with new Local Plan policies and if any proposed development is sustainable and deliverable as defined by national planning policies.